Thursday, August 26, 2010

Give A Helping Hand

I am a soon-to-be environmentalist, a tree-hugger, a recycler, an earth-loving teen who wants there to be a brighter (and cleaner) tomorrow.

Knowing what could happen in the future with global warming makes me want to help. Help make this world a better place for everyone.

Anyone can help. Just by recycling, reducing, and reusing you can make a difference. And I'm not going to stop there.

I want to invent. Invent things to filter car pollution, save the trees, cut down on plastic water bottles and much much more!

I want to be government. Create laws to ban plastic bags, enforce littering fines, make earth day last all year round. And I plan to pursue my dreams!

I want our home, earth, to be here for further generations, and for it to be a healthy place to live. Instead of concentrating on the problems we've created, I want to focus on how I can fix them for a greener future! We can all give a helping hand.


  1. Amen! Pursue your dreams until they become reality!

  2. Hey Shelley! That was quite an inspired post.

    Your plans are great, if they were really going to happen. I don't mean to be pessimistic, but I just want to tell you what liberals are doing to people like you. The government wants you to believe that the earth is heating up, when the reality is that only God could change the climate. And do you think the Lord would destroy the earth He made for His glory?

    Also, the eviromentalists think that we need to plant more trees, but they also say that we are creating to much oxygen. Well, science has proven that no oxygen means no ozone. With no ozone layer, no life form would be able to exist on earth. (this is straight from my science book. :) The earth replenishes it's ozone supply from oxygen supply. With no oxygen, there would be no ozone. See how horrid it would be if you extinguished all the oxygen? Also, being green means planting trees, but they also want you to ride your bike, so as not to polute the earth with to much oxygen. But these are conflicting.

    When you plant a tree, it can't grow without oxygen. And it exerts oxygen, also. And we as humans can't survive without oxygen. It's just the way God made us.

    Lastly, you say to please keep comments positive, and that is what I will try to do. If what the government said was true, I would do the same thing as you. You just have to do a lot of research, to make sure that what they are saying is correct. :)

    I have nothing against you dear Shelley, but it hurts me to see people doing this, when the reality is that they don't know the truth. The Lord didn't intend to make us and put us on earth, just so we would eventually destroy his creation. And many people (including you) know that, but are confused.

    If you have any questions regarding this subject and others concerning the world around us today, I highly recommend listening to Rush Limbaugh. (he has a radio program on 15:10 WLAC)

    With blessings and a smile,
    ~bree :)


I ♥ comments! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I really appreciate them! Please keep them positive! ☺
